Tuesday 30 July 2013

Please Wake Up SleepyHead

Hola .. yesterday was Monday which is pretty gloomy day fer me .. couldn't find my mp3 .. fuck that .. my result kinda suck, a lot

for Business Mathematics I score 15.1% from the total of 25%
for Business Accounting I got 18.12 from 28%

and here I am today , become more depressed than ever, kind of heartbroken, but I didnt have any problem in my relationship punn .. the good thing is I found my mp3 ..

“Let me tell you this: if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them.”

last night after bangun dalam pukul 1 macamtu, straight away do some vain useless thing. watching psycho-pass sampai habes. woahhhh . gile babeng unbelievable . sort of dissapointing . then after that I proceed with crappy management assignment.on the phone with mustaqim for a while. tido balik around 5.30am .. what a fucke up sleeping pattern I have.. 
Final is around the corner, I should stay focus on studying.

here's the list that i should be working on

Account - accounting equation, ledger, trial balance, income statement and balance sheet
Management - Article assignment, incomplete individual assignment, Chapter 12 revision
Business Mathematics - Differentiation, Integration, Matrices
Malaysian studies - Presentation and Just read slides so my brain wont be mindblown when it comes to final later
Islamic studies - yang ni boleh last minute kot
english - nothing kot

presentation, still aku yang kena buat. haritu research report pun aku gak yg tolong siapkan 12 page dr 25 page .. sepuluh orang dalam group tu duk rilek buat palat je. thanks to all my teammate who seems so fucking understanding .. sheeeeshhhh ..

*for accounting, I know who to find if I cant do that crap. Hey you, you should be helping me, dontcha? ^^

should get ready stuff for final, assignment and quizzes.. and now its wayy past my on9ing session . damn damn damn . i guess i gotta go now . update later tomorrow , or worse , next week .

lotsa loves for you who did read my emo entry :)

Wang Syiling dan Batu

Wang syiling itu jatuh di hadapan seorang lelaki yg sedang asyik membancuh simen. Melihat logam kecil itu,tangan lelaki itu terhenti melakukan kerja. Tidak menunggu lama,tangannya segera mengutip syiling itu dan dimasukkan ke dalam poketnya. Dia menyambung semula kerjanya.

Sekali lagi lelaki itu terpandang duit syiling tidak jauh dari sisinya. Lelaki itu menoleh ke kiri, kanan dan di sekelilingnya. Tiada siapa yg berdekatan dengannya. Sekali lagi dia terus mengambil syiling itu dan menyimpan dalam koceknya.Tidak lama kemudian, lelaki itu ternampak lagi duit syiling berdekatan dengannya. Pun sama, dia mengambil dan menyimpannya.“Rezeki aku!” kata lelaki itu dalam hati.

Lelaki itu tidak sedar, logam syiling itu sebenarnya dicampakkan oleh ketuanya daripada aras lapan bangunan separuh siap yg mereka bina itu. Sebenarnya, ketuanya mahu memanggilnya. Ada pesanan yg mahu disampaikan ketuanya itu.

Puas ketuanya menjerit daripada aras lapan, cuba memanggil lelaki itu yg berada pada aras paling bawah.Namun, jeritan itu tidak mampu mengalahkan pelbagai bunyian mesin pembinaan di kawasan tersebut. Dek kerana itulah, ketuanya itu mencampakkan syilingnya dengan harapan lelaki itu akan mendongak melihatnya di atas. Mudah-mudahan,dapatlah dia menyampaikan pesananya kepada pekerjanya itu.

Sayangnya, sehingga habis wang syilingnya dibaling ke bawah, lelaki itu masih belum juga mendongak ke atas.Lantas, ketuanya itu mengumpulkan serpihan batu kecil yg terdapat di lantai. Satu persatu batu kecil itu dibaling ke bawah.

Beberapa kali batu itu mengenai badan lelaki itu. Setelah merasa sakit dan terganggu ,lelaki itu mendongak ke atas,melihat dari mana datangnya batu-batu kecil yg menyerangnya tadi. Barulah dia ternampak kelibat ketuanya yg sejak tadi cuba mencuri perhatiannya bagi menyampaikan pesanan.

P/S : Sahabat sekalian, kisah ini sekadar tamsilan antara kita dengan Yang Maha Pencipta. Tanpa sedar, Allah sering menjatuhkan ‘syiling’ lambang rezeki, rahmat atau kesenangan yg tidak terkira banyak kepada kita. Tuhan menjatuhkan ‘syiling’ itu sebagai satu panggilan agar kita sentiasa mendongak ke atas untuk mengingati dan bersyukur dengan kurniaan-Nya.Tetapi, kita acap kali lalai untuk ‘mendongak’ ke atas sebaliknya terus menikmati pemberian-Nya tanpa mengucapkan terima kasih.

Seperti kisah ketua dan pekerja tadi, apabila jatuhan syiling tidak berjaya menarik perhatian, lalu Dia jatuhkan pula ‘batu’ yg berupa musibah, kegagalan, keperitan dan pengalaman yg menyakitkan. Dan hanya setelah kita merasa kesakitan itu,barulah kita teringat untuk mendongak,menadah tangan bersyukur mengingati Yang Maha Pencipta kita.

Pencil and Eraser

Pencil: I’m sorry
Eraser: For what? You didn’t do anything wrong.
Pencil: I’m sorry cos you get hurt because of me. Whenever I made a
mistake, you’re always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That’s true. But I don’t really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I
know I’ll be gone and you’ll replace me with a new one, I’m actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad.

I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They’re always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way… they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on).

Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still
happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad.


Thursday 25 July 2013


morning people

ehem ehem . let me clear my voice , crack my knuckles . because this aint gonna be at ease ..

couldn't sleep all night long because something came across my mind .. its about my friend who had been in a relationship for 6 years .. last evening, when she just got back from class, she seems so melancholic, sorrow and depressed about something I don't know .. never saw her in that state before .. she sleep after berbuka .. and wake up in the middle of the night, shed tears, crying all out .. her relationship, ended .. after all these years, they simply break up .. to be honest, I cried too .. because I appreciate love .. so much .. so yeah , I am easily fall in love , but that doesn't mean my love are not worth it or kinda gimcrack ke apa ke. entah la, for me it is common .. by loving someone , you can learn to accept .. It doesn't matter to whom you are fallen to ..

so the song of the day for my soul are Giants - Now Now Every Children *the acoustic one*

well to be honest, I didn't really like their lyrics though, I just like the rhythm itself .. slow and passionate :) this song seems to have to do with a breakup *or something close* due to different religious beliefs kott.. lagu ini ditujukan buat my roommate ~

Tuesday 23 July 2013


my mind kept thinking something that doesn't apparent at all. Do you know that feel when you were unable to express all your feeling you ought to? somehow its frustrating and unsatisfied my esprit.. I have few things that i want to say but apparently I'm lacking of motivation to do so. Ain't motivation is crucial? yeah .. listening to slow beats and rhythm music is the best way for me to distract my scumbag brain from thinking nonsense and ridiculous things .. I prefer love song .. who doesn't value love aren't human right?

"sometime love can hit you everyday, sometime you can fall for everyone you see"

this lyrics struck me hard hik hok hok hok ..

so tonight, my soul food is Heaven by Ailee with it lyrics

the clock strikes 4.47 am , exact time to sahur .. been accompanied by the sound of my roommate alarm that goes "beep beep beep beep" again and again since 4am just now .. Slothful enough to shut it up ain't I?

goodnight world

Saturday 20 July 2013

Ombak Rindu

yesterday I went to our beloved bazaar in Muadzam Shah .. The only bazaar kot .. why I say 'beloved' bazaar? because we should be thankful ada jugak bazaar .. try to imagine I've been thrown in this wilderness at Muadzam Shah without nothing but a bazaar .. okay Im being redundant , sorry fer that ..

so back at my story, yesterday after account midterm,, err ,,  zzz scumbag brain!! why do I have to remember about my account exam ! took 12 hours of sleep to forget that .. ok ok sambung cerita tadi .. I went to bazaar thing blablabla .. im sick of nasik kerabu, nasik goreng, nasik ayam, nasik beriani, etc etc.

So I decided to try this burger bakar, mine is Ombak rindu , apaakk ah nama burger bakar ni . thanks to Izhar because he treat me :)

ok la .. sedap jugak .. I've tried something that more savory than this ..

okay ni haa baru betul2 sedap!
*sedap en.. both of this cost RM22 , small one is RM 8, the big one cost RM14

Tuesday 16 July 2013

whats wrong with me

Recently, something is bothering me so much :-/ I don't know what should I do about it .. I don't know how to react upon it.

I will remember how I felt that day
A feeling indescribable to me

If she is amazing, she wont be easy. If she is easy, she wont be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you, you just got to find the ones worth suffering for.
-Bob Marley-

Monday 15 July 2013

Sophisticated words

*eating at Jentayu, my favourite place to lepak at Muadzam Shah

My blog is my brand new note book .. this is where I will jot down everything I find appealing and pleasurable , copy and paste any quote I love to, pictures, music, video, movies, games review etc etc
so that when I get depressed about something tense, I can always review my blog then cheer me up again :D 


hee this is interesting, as most of the words are new to me :)

Can you rephrase these smart proverbs / saying? Just a test about vocabulary and verbosity for english teachers and students. Had some fun so far? Each of the following statements is a well known proverb or saying, translated into less common and more sophisticated words. Your job is to give the well-known phrase for each. 

For example, "Scinntillate, scintillate, asteroid minific" is better known as "Twinkle, twinkle, little star."

  1. Members of an avian species of identical plumage congregate.
    Birds of a feather flock together.
  2. Scintillate, scintillate, asteroid minific.
    Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
  3. Surveillance should precede saltation.
    Look before you jump.
  4. Neophyte's serendipity.
    Beginners luck.
  5. Pulchritude possesses solely cutaneous profundity.
    Beauty is only skin deep.
  6. It is fruitless to become lachrymose over precipitately departed lacteal fluids.
    Don't cry over spilled milk.
  7. The stylus is more potent than the dirk.
    The pen is more powerful than the sword.
  8. It is fruitless to indoctrinate a superannuated canine with innovative maneuvers.
    You can't teach an old dog new things.
  9. The temperature of the aqueous content of an unremittingly ogled culinary vessel does not reach 212 degrees.
    A watched pot never boils.
  10. All articles that coruscate with resplendence are not truly auriferous.
    All that glitters isn't gold.
  11. Where there are visible vapors in ignited carbonaceous materials, there is conflagration.
    Where there's smoke, there's fire.
  12. A plethora of individuals with expertise in culinary techniques vitiate the potable concoction produced by steeping certain comestibles.
    Too many cooks spoil the stew.
  13. Eleemosynary deeds have their incipience intramurally.
    Charity begins at home.
  14. Male cadavers are incapable of yielding testimony.
    Dead men don't talk.
  15. Individuals who make their abode in vitreous edifices would be advised to refrain from catapulting projectiles.
    People who live in glashouses shouldn't throw stones.
  16. Exclusive dedication to necessitous chores without interludes of hedonistic diversion renders John a hebetudinous fellow.
    All work, no play makes John a dull boy.
  17. A revolving lithic conglomerate accumulates no congeries of minuscule verdant bryophyte.
    A rolling stone gathers no moss.
  18. The person presenting the finial cachinnation possesses thereby the primary cachinnation.
    He who laughs last, laughs best.
  19. Missiles of ligneous or petrous consistency have the potential of fracturing my osseous structure, but appellations will remain sempiternally innocuous.
    Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me.

    *okay now lets proceed with my bundled assignments

Learn to accept

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I cannot accept,
And the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill today 
because they got on my nerves.

Help me always to give 100% in my studies
12% on Monday,
23% on Tuesday,
40% on Wednesday,
20% on Thursday

and 5% on Friday

Sunday 14 July 2013

Its AWESOME time

Its been a while since I write anything that flow straight from my wild mind ^^ .. recent blog has been deleted based on some circumstances .. teehee ;) 

I dont want people to find out my weakness in the ancient .. that time im too obsessed in games, music, some self esteem issues where that time i found myself inadequate, unworthy, unlovable, and incompetent .. it makes me experienced depression .. it break my heart , destroy my soul and leave me crying till if tears could make us pretty ,, i'd be the prettiest girl alive! and, the conjecture is bound to run for some time.
*apakk ah emo jugak si hana ni kann?*

had some problem , care too much to others feeling while your's being crushed, slashed, broke, ripped out from your chest, shattered into millions of pieces .. *tediaaaa teghok ngat aihh hati hang hancuq lebuq*

so now IDGAF! ey .. means I dont give a F*** .. haha .. so now you know what it is, dont thank me *wink* ^.~

but somehow, I think I should give some of the IDGAF ahahahhehehaa

"kita tidak lahir untuk hidup bahagia, kita lahir untuk membahagiakan orang lain, orang lain lahir untuk membahagiakan orang yang lain pula, dan di situ mungkin ada secebis bahagia bertulis nama kita, semua orang akan bahagia, dan saat yang paling bahagia buat kita adalah melihat orang lain bahagia kerana kita ..." 

okay just now are not awesome kann .. just some crappy briefing .. whats up guys? ey none of you read so I guess I will greet myself .. in nihonggo maybe .. 

Konnichiwa, hajimemashite!
"O-namae wa?"
" Nurul Farhanah desu"

though my blog is kinda useless, but i think I will be fine as long as I expressed my awesomeness here ^__^ because I dont bear to hold my awesomeness alone. must share among people hik hik hik *gedik* .. somehow it gives me spirit to continue writing

Gosh! already 1323 in the evening and yet I haven't sleep throughout last night! desperately need to stop hitting this keyboard and get back to my comfy bed .. *apa teghok sangat budak ni jaga malam tidoq siang* .. hey its a natural human behaviour that I reckon!

my fever wont go away T__T
Ya Allah , sihatkan lah tubuh badan ku ~

see you around my baby blog ..